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EP 15 – How Chubb Drives Trust in the Age of e-Commerce

31 January 2024

Insurance for the New Possible welcomed Gabriel Lazaro, the Head of Digital, Overseas General Insurance at Chubb back to the show to discuss what emerging  technologies will play a pivotal role in digital insurance in 2024 and the intersection of insurance and e-commerce.

Access Chubb’s report “Increased trust in social media shopping driving online sales” here :

Some of the topics Gabriel addressed in detail included:

  • 69% of consumers believe insurance increases trust in e-commerce, highlighting the essential role of insurance in enhancing online shopping experiences
  • 75% of consumers report they have experienced financial fraud within their online transactions
  • Building trust for online sellers is fundamental: For them, trust is the cornerstone for brand building and business growth
  • Consumer trust varies across platforms with consumers indicating that they have greater trust in social media commerce than traditional e-commerce platforms
  • Yet, online sellers’ trust in platforms is reversed, relying more on traditional e-commerce platforms, especially for back-end processes
  • 69% of consumers believe insurance increases trust in e-commerce, highlighting the essential role of insurance in enhancing online shopping experiences
  • 75% of consumers report they have experienced financial fraud within their online transactions
  • Building trust for online sellers is fundamental: For them, trust is the cornerstone for brand building and business growth
  • Consumer trust varies across platforms with consumers indicating that they have greater trust in social media commerce than traditional e-commerce platforms
  • Yet, online sellers’ trust in platforms is reversed, relying more on traditional e-commerce platforms, especially for back-end processes

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Gabriel Lazaro

Gabriel Lazaro

EVP, Head of Digital Business, Overseas General Insurance, Chubb

Experienced intrapreneur and a challenge addict, I love starting, expanding, and building up digital business and thriving teams. I am focus in creating top-to-bottom line results with high performing teams and sustainable and growth digital business models.

An overachiever, I have a passion for excellence. I also have a curious, growth-oriented mind with a BD in Social Psychology and Marketing added with a truly multicultural and multinational experience.

More about Chubb Partners :

Chubb’s partners include leaders in retail, e-commerce, banking, fintech, airline, telecommunications and other industries. We co-create and design digital insurance solutions for their customers – individuals and businesses of all sizes.